Monday, August 20, 2007

Pizza that sucks

Few day I went to lunch to local Sbarro pizzeria for a quick pizza slice.

I cannot complain about its taste, and the price - little over 3 Euro for BIG pizza slice and Coca-Cola but what I can complain about is the visual looks of the pizza. I understand if the pineapple pieces are big, but if the sausage bits are measured about 1x1x3 cm - that is not nice.

Maybe its a pirated pizza place, because its not listed in Sbarro website list of locations! :)

Here is a photo tho show you how the pizza looked like.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Life is hard and then you die ...

... or get unexpectedly run over by a police car.

This is what happened yesterday.

I was sitting in the office, working. Then I hear from far police sirens, they are getting louder and louder. Suddenly there is sound of extreme breaking and then big THUMP, followed by people yelling outside our office.

What happened is that some lady was hit by police car - very strange accident - how dos one not notice the police sirens in the street, if I can hear that in the office building?

Maybe she attempted suicide, maybe she was just listening to music from her iPod - who knows... But this was depressing - seeing her from office window, lying there in shock, waiting for the ambulance.

I also took few pictures with far away with my mobile... the quality sucks, but it is better than nothing.

So - be allways alert when you are outside - you never know, what may happen... and where... :(

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Monday, August 13, 2007

Basketball fun

Today i got free tickets to a basketball game Estonia-Macedonia.

It rose strange feelings in me.

First of all - watching basketball game at the spot sucks if compared to TV because there is no action reply.

But in other hand - the feeling of crowd cheering for our guys and messing with the visitors team is really something. I too yelled a lot and tomorrow probably I have lost some of my voice. :)

I think the ideal would be looking at sport event at the spot and have your VCR taping it from TV broadcast, so you can watch it again with all the commentators comments and action replies.

About the game - in beginning we gained about 15 point lead. Then for some reason our team got really sloppy and the we leaded only by one point. Luckily the fans helped the team to gain strength and the game ended with our victory and 6 point lead. :)

Oh... almost forgot... the cheerleaders were really sexy. :)

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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Air pollution in Peking

Peking is to be hosting Olympic soon, but today at CNN I saw a news-brief that they have real problems with air pollution. They mentioned it is really bad publicity to have marathon runners wearing those small white facial masks, we have often seen used in China.

I imagine, that would look extremely funny, but I am sure would not be funny for the people who are running the marathon...

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Monday, August 6, 2007

Men and women - why is it ...

Sometimes I start wondering about something. I post my wondering here, so YOU can comment on them.

Why is it that society considers it more or less normal, if older man has perhaps 10-20 years younger wife. But if young man has 10 or 20 years older wife it is considered kinky.

Why is it that in adult or erotic movies like Emmanuelle - Girl+Girl action is "standard" and widely acceptable, while Boy+Boy action is something that is never-ever used in mainstream adult movies. I am 100% heterosexual male myself, but I have the same feelings - lesbian scenes are OK, gay scenes are not.

Why is it that there is almost no women in car racing (be it Formula 1 or WRC rally)?

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First post of Mr. Big

Finally, I am forcing myself to blogging. Everyone seems to be doing it and so am now I.

I had idea that I should start blogging for some time now, but I have been both busy and lazy and never got around to it... But now it has begun.

If you wonder - who am I - this is not important. This blog I try to keep anonymous in a sense that I may give clues to who I am, but I will never tell directly. Here I can say things that I possibly would not state under my own name. Most likely I will start some day soon also blogging under my real name in some other blogging site... or here at - only time will tell.

Anyway - I hope this turns out to be a nice blog with many readers. and may the 06.08.2007 be the date to be remembered.

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